Wildlife courses and training including pythons, shellfish and beach driving.

Skyway State Park Fishing Pier Educational Course

Qualified Rooftop Monitor

This training is needed to become an IBNB Permitted Monitor.

Please contact the Marine Turtle Permit Coordinator at (561)882-5975 or MTP@MyFWC.com if you have any questions or need assistance.

If you plan to target or keep sharks caught from shore, you are required to pass this online training.

If you plan to target or keep sharks caught from shore, you are required to pass this online training.

FWC Training Module for Video Scoping a Burrowing Owl Burrow

FWC Training Module for Excavation of an Inactive Burrowing Owl Burrow

Training for Wildlife Observers who are contracting qualified individuals to serve as Wildlife Observers for the Deepwater Horizon Incident cleanup activities.

The Beach Driver Training videos will introduce you to some of the animals that use Florida's beaches, and teach you how to reduce the chances that they will be injured or killed by vehicles you operate.  FWC's Coastal Wildlife Conservation Initiative (CWCI) developed this online training series primarily for service drivers (such as lifeguards, emergency responders, or maintenance personnel) in northeast Florida.  However, the information is valuable for anyone who operates vehicles on Florida beaches.